Saturday, April 5, 2014

Meeting Milo

Oops... again I have not written a blog post since who knows when!! But I have been taking pictures. Lots and lots of pictures. :) So the snow is melting v-e-r-y slowly. The odd time we get one whole day of rain. And when it does rain, oh does it ever rain hard. Most of the time the sun is out, blue sky everywhere. I have to say; I am starting to uh, dislike, lets say, the snow. I want to see the grass, and the nice warm air at the beach. But I don't think the snow wants to leave yet. Right now people are saying that the lake is supposed to unfreeze in August!! I really don’t want to have to wait till then... Anyway, for a couple weeks now, we have been taking care of my grandparents' dog:

Cute, eh? Well this little guy is named Milo. And little Milo likes to eat (blech) the compost. He runs all the way to the back of the yard. When we empty the compost from our house, we bring it behind the  fence and dump it in a little box we have made using four skids. By the way, I have no clue how he is able to eat it. Nor do I want to know! Anyway lets just say he brought it back up today. <:P Gross. Gross. Gross. So today I decided to do something so he doesn't get to the compost. I took a bunch of chicken wire and stretched it out in the middle of our yard, from one side of our yard to the other. Then I went to the back of the yard and put some there too. I know it sounds evil but it has helped.

(I apologize that I have no pictures of the little cage I made)

After that he and I went back outside and took a bunch of pics. I was glad of how the turned out. :) He was surprisingly still! Here you go and see you later!! (let's hope not too much later)

1 comment:

  1. Milo is such a dear. ;) I love that picture of him with his head resting on the chair!

    Also, I've nominated you for the Liebster blog award! If you're interested in participating, you can find all the details on my blog.

