Monday, September 9, 2013

It's Begining to Look a Lot Like...Summer?

Well, this is a little weird. Last year, it was pretty warm, like good summer weather! Well, It's almost 12:00 and it's 16 degrees. To top it off, apparently there was frost the yesterday morning! I think the first time I've ever had a hot chocolate in the summer was yesterday as well! Though, I am pretty excited for winter. I really like Fall too. Don't you ever get that? In the summer, you wish for snow, in the Winter, you wish for the beach! We just can't be satisfied! Oh well. At least we are blessed enough to be on this earth! :) (I know this isn't a long post either, I need something cool to happen!)

Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Nice Fall Morning...

Good morning! Today is 15 degrees outside. Wonderful for a fall day. If it were fall. The little frogs are our hopping everywhere, so I decided he wouldn't mind if I took a little picture of him. The leaves are finally starting to fall. Is it already that time of year again? The past days, it's been hard to catch the sun. It's been hiding behind the clouds most of the time! It poured last night, and continued to rain most of the day. Oh, I hope it's not like this all week... Anyways, we went swimming to the public pool today and it was pretty fun. So, when it's hot and sunny, you've got the beach, when it's cold and wet, you've got the public pool! Plus, it wasn't too busy. I've been thinking and I think I should put a recipe page! Let me know under comments!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Today is the Day!

Hello readers! As you can see today is the very first day of my new blog! Younique. I have been very excited to this point and I hope it's worth it. The school year has started up again, and I hope it will end just as fast as it began. There's not to much happening right now, so I'll just give you this awesome video to watch instead. Enjoy!