Friday, June 5, 2015

Dear Readers;

Hello everyone. I have to apologize for the long wait for a post: life's been busy. I regret saying this but unfortunately, I can't keep up with my blogs. This is the last day I will be posting. Also I would like to share that on May 22, my beloved rabbit, Rose passed away. I have written about her lots and I think everyone who has read about her could see the bond I had with her. She was 9 and 1/2 years old. She spend over half my life with me and I could NEVER ask for a better pet. Thank you those who send their love. It was hard to see her go.
Again, thank you readers for sticking with my blog for so long! :) I won't be deleting my blog but this will be the last post. 

Love ya guys ;)

(Please check this link out)

Thursday, April 23, 2015



I am so sorry. What has it been -- 3 months?! Life has become all the sudden, CRAZY. I've been really sick lately and possibly getting a job and you know, school is pressure too.  Babysitting, basement renovations, spring clean up, ETC. I have been snapping pictures still, just haven't come around to uploading em to my blogs... :(

Yea. Life's crazy. I can't promise any posts but I hope to come around soon when I have a lot of time on my hands just to write.

Cya around! (I hope!)

Monday, March 9, 2015


Cold longs nights of me standing out waiting for the sun to set.
That smell of beauty around me in the morning
Sparkling snow.
The sun making the snow glow when its covered in ice.
Wishing for snow in the summer, wishing for sun in the winter.
Snowmen invade our backyard.
The skis come out.
We get stuck in our own driveway.
Feed the birds.
Watch the ducks swim in -15'C water.
Dad throws a snowball at me and starts war.
Someone walks by me on the sidewalk and pushes me in a snow bank.
(I realize it was my brother and he goes in right after me)
Camera clicks at the icicles.
Sleds zoom down the hill followed by giggles and screams.
Drawn smiley faces on foggy car windows.
Every day check the weather.
Feel bummed yet warm inside when a hug snow storm hits your town.
Long afternoons of blogging and drinking hot chocolate.
Blue sky every other week.
Try to find where the rabbit tracks lead.
See a deer in the bush.
Help someone out of the snowy ditch.
Sit in my room and stare at my soccer ball for an hour, dreading winter.
Lots and lots of snow, loving winter.
Bake hot fudge on a winter afternoon.
Stormed inside for a week - no school.
*Two weeks later*
+5 degrees.
Snowmen begin to melt.
Camera comes out again.
Everything is wet.
Icicles drip their last drips.
Running shoes are put on.
Robins chirp.
Puddles are stepped in, soaking my feet.
Sweater is put on instead of a coat.
Camaro drives by.
Sun shines through my window as I sit in the warmness.
Aw, spring. 
This was my winter -- what's yours?

Friday, February 27, 2015


Today is February 27; The official End It Slavery day. There are over a million people held captive for slavery and today many MANY were encouraged to paint/draw a red X on their hand and take a picture and post it on social networks with the hashtag 'End It Movement'. Today I did paint a red X and took a picture to show support. Please do the same.

Lets End It.

Galatians 3:28       
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Skating - a sport not for me

Yesterday. WHEW.

I went skating with my sisters and had a blast. We were the only ones there (thankfully) and well, I'm not too good at skating. I love playing hockey but I CANT skate. Its depressing. I prefer large skating rinks when I do go skating so I have a long way before I have to turn... Lol. So this outdoor rink we went to was the size of two hockey rinks right beside each other and so they had four nets. Pretty much one big square. My mom allowed me to borrow her skates wish was an ok idea. The bad thing about them is that they have toe picks... Anyway, there I was, thinking how good I was at skating, and gliding around so gracefully. I felt like bird. I decided to stop at the hockey net and wait for my sister to catch up. Faster....Faster... I finally got to the hockey net but not in a friendly manner. About two feet away from it, I positioned my feet terribly and my right skate's pick went into the ice. I went flying into the net hitting my neck/throat against the back crossbar and hitting my left knee against the side bar. OUCH. That was just the beginning. After that I fell over and over and over again!! Smashing my knee, my shoulder, my bottom, and my hips. The best part was every time I fell, my sisters saw how I fell (the stupidest ways to fall) and they laughed their heads off, which obviously made me laugh. Here's the top five stupidest ways I fell on ice and made myself look like a fool:

#1 - Slip on pick. Knees go forward and you kneel on ice. Back of blade goes into your thigh. Sudden alarm of pain. You burst forward to get relieved of this pain and land on your face. Sisters laugh.

#2 - Making a beautiful drawing in the shallow layer of freshly fallen snow. Trip over your pick. Fall on your side. Ruin your drawing. Sisters laugh.

#3 - Swinging arms around franticly because you can't gracefully enough to put hands at side. Think you are a pro. Put your hands in pocket. Thinking you are cool. Gracefully skating. Realize you can't stop without franticly waving your hands around like an idiot. Decide your pride is more important then your safety. Then you realize: its not. Into a snow bank, face first. Sisters laugh.

#4 - You think you are a beautiful figure skater, around in a circle you go. Doing brilliant spins and twists. You place you left foot behind your right, your sisters already start laughing at you. You toss your head high. They watch as you swiftly mess up and you trip on the ice and swing your arms as if there will be some invisible person to grab them. No one. You fall on your back/bottom. Sisters laugh.

#5 - Skating gracefully and at a speedy pace. Look over at sisters who are talking to each other in middle of rink, not moving. You have an evil thought. You keep skating around the rink, faster and faster. Do an amazing sharp turn and skate straight on closer and closer to your sisters. Faster and WHAM. Skate into sisters and you all fall down...................... You laugh.

 Yea that's me.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

My good cousin Olivia...

I have this cousin who is like SUPER cool. She has tagged me on her blog with some questions. I thought I should answer the best I could so here they are!! Oh and be sure to check out Olivia when you can. :)

1. tell me about someone you love, and why.
*oh man...too many!*
My cousin(s). Totally. One of my cousin turns out to be my best friend and she is amazing. One of them is a beautiful girl who has a way with people. Another cousin just turned 5 years old and he's so cute and loves to give hugs. One of them is a curious girl who loves to read and will be your best friend if you let her do your hair. One cousin is a sport nut who has a way with a soccer ball that I have never seen anyone have. Another loves hockey and he is super friendly and has a competitive spirit. One ALWAYS has a smile on his face and just wants you to be his best friend. I could go on about them but I think you get the point. ;) My cousins have impacted my life even if they don't realize it. LOVE YOU GUYS

2. what is one thing you do that makes you feel all like "man, I could do this forever" when you do it?
Call up Fernando Torres or Eden Hazard, pass me a soccer ball and you'll see. I could kick the ball with my favourite soccer players forever. Have I ever done it? No... Will I? Probably not, but hey, if that were to happen, I would have the biggest smile on my face ever.

3. what do you love about yourself?
I'm gonna try to not get arrogant... I usually let others decide this about me but if I had to answer, I love my hobbies. I love how I have an amazing interest in photography and am always advancing and able to get better. I have a huge passion for archeology/paleontology and meteorology. So much science. I really enjoy most science and have always had good grades on them.

4. what advice would you give to someone who doesn't believe she/he is beautiful?
Everyone was made from and by God. God is perfect. Why would he make something ugly and out of order if he is a God of good works? He made you in his likeness. I would totally tell em that they are special and talented. Beauty is giving to all and someday someone will realize that. Most people who bully someone to claim their 'ugliness' is usually just jealous for the obviousIt says in Ecclesiastes 3:11 "He has made every thing beautiful in his time: also he has set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God makes from the beginning to the end."

5. what is the best piece of advice you've ever gotten about confidence?
I've never really been given advice for my confidence really. I have always needed confidence for not failing and how I have always been calmed with it in the end is telling myself quotes or Bible verses. Over and over and over again. I have always struggled with possible failure of others because of something I did. Its been hard to overcome this 'fear'.

6. If you were your own daughter, what advice would you give yourself? 
Don't feel hopeless or a failure. Don't stay awake hours because you have failed. You are not a failure. I would tell her never to give up and that someone will always be there for you when you fall. When the whole world has walked out on you, God will be there for you. ALWAYS. Don't trust the branch you sit on not to break, trust God's power to keep it from breaking. He will never let you fall.

7. a verse, poem, sonnet, ancient-old proverb that inspires you to love yourself and others?
YES! I love quotes. I have always made some up or hunted them down on the internet. Here's my top favourites as of now:
'Everyone says the first step to success is failure. But really the first step to success is correction to failure.
'Don't cheat on people. Because the rest of their lives they will wonder why they weren't good enough and it will tear them apart.'
'F.E.A.R. has to meanings: Forget Everything And Run, OR Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours.'
'There's no better feeling than stepping out on that pitch and impressing them all by showing them something they all thought you couldn't.'
'You've got what it takes but it will need everything you've got.'
Anyway, thanks Olivia for the questions!
Cya around guys

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Little Marshmallow

So I had a interesting last week. Lemme give you a run-through.
Monday - School
Tuesday- School
Wednesday- My head got all yucky feeling and skipped school. Slept most of the day.
Thursday - Stayed in bed all day; was feeling terrible. My throat got really sore and ached so much I couldn't eat. Skipped soccer (ARGHHH) and babysitting.
Friday - Felt even worse; skipped youth group!! :(
Saturday - went to the ER... It was getting bad. After the doc said I was good to go, I got better that day/night. IT WAS WEIRD
Sunday - Felt good! Went to church in the morning and went to visit the chickadees in the afternoon.
Monday - Back to school.
Tuesday - Back to my normal self.

So yea.... that was fun. (Hind my sarcasm) The Chickadees were amazing, again. I spend about 45 minutes feeding them. We would've stayed longer but it was -15 Celsius. We (me and my lovely model; my dad) went for hot chocolate at a restaurant after and it was great. :) I have posted pictures on paramount.

Today is Thursday... but this is a special Thursday. Last Thursday I was sick and missed out on some stuff but THIS Thursday, I'm going to SOCCAHHHHHH. Yes I am happy deliriously happy. Man... what three months can do eh??

Anyway... I'd better get running now. OH wait. The other day I popcorn and a hot chocolate with a card game. Awesome winter days. I was feeling creative. I took a marshmallow and drew a smiley face on it. I DID NOT eat it. but I set him in my hot chocolate carefully not let the ink get into my drink. Then I clicked away. He's cute. He got a name, but I cant remember it as of now. :)

Cya later guys!

Monday, January 12, 2015

One 'Fun' Sledding Trip

OK, its another one of those cold, boring days. And its snowing BEAUTIFULLY. It's gorgeous! I love the snow! And whoohoo i went sledding yesterday! It was... um... painfully fun. Lemme explain. Have you gone sledding and down the hill you go, flying at 50 km/hr and then BOOOOM - a snow ramp that some bozo put there?? Sure its fun for the last three seconds that you survive, but when you hit the snow again-?! Snow is (usually) white and therefore EVERY little flake is pretty must invisible because it all blends in. So when you look down that huge hill, what are to expect?! There could be a yeti down there for all you know! Anyway... there it was; a foot and a half snow ramp. Oh and of course the only time you see it is when you are the inch before it. Yea... it's not pretty. ...It probably was that guy I pushed down the hill before.... Hm. Jk.

Anyway its cold. But at least its snowing, not raining... *shutter*. The words that lay in my mouth are gone and now it is empty.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Ok... so clearly you can tell I'm really bad at time. But hey!!


There, got that out of my system. Anyway, I feel good. That is always a good thing (I guess). 2015 has been agreeable with my standards so far. We have snow-a good amount- and well there's not much to dislike! THATS GOOD. It's one of those cold, boring, lazy Saturday afternoons, so I thought I should mayyyyybe say something about something on my blog. If you know me well, you know that I call this my 'unqualified monotony'. Big words are expressed from me when I'm either over tired or excited or bored. So pretty much my normal self.

Anyway, I could keep going for ever. I'm like that... So the snow.... right! We have some. It's Canada; what do you expect!?! Unfortunately the sleds have not come out (yet) because it has been under -15 for the last three weeks and its FREEZING. Man, last week I was praying for snow, and now we have it, it's WAY too cold. But the good thing about the cold is: hot chocolates by the fire. That's what I'm doing right now. Oh I'm in my room though... By an electric fire place that I stole from a different place in the house and no one knows about it... ahem. But I'm here, listening to Lincoln Brewster (One of the best music artists ever), sipping my hot chocolate and sitting by a man-made fire. Hm.

SO. Christmas! I totally forgot to tell you! I have to warn you, I have a lot of family around so I technically had 3 Christmases. One up north, one here, and one with my grandparents and cousins here as well. My Christmas up north was what you can call a 'blue Christmas'. Literally. Chelsea FC mug, Chelsea fleece blanket, Chelsea pjs, and Chelsea knee brace. Yea - it was awesome. I had an awesome time with my one cousin who is around my age. We went to a park in the woods for a photo-shoot together with my Canon T5, which was so much fun. I mean; best friend/cousin + one of my favourite hobbies ever = AWESOME. :)

Besides that, everything is normal. Me and my dad hope to get out to a local hiking trail to snap away with the chickadees soon, once the roads open up again. So be sure to keep checking out paramount

Hope to post again soon, but until then; cya around!